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Lisa Tamagini uses her wealth of understanding of vocal physiology, musicianship, and years of performing experience to offer her students solutions to all of their vocal limitations. With a passion for inspiring singers to reduce vocal tensions by coming into agreement with their bodies, her approach to the work focuses on vocal function and style. Lisa knows that an informed singer is an expressive, healthy, reliable singer—one who has a lifelong career.

If you have knowledge, let others light their candles at it.

                                                 - Margaret Fuller

Are you an acting singer? Or a singing actor?

A potential triple threat who needs vocal work?

An opera singer who wants to cross-over or a pop-singer who cannot sing as well live as the producer can make you sound? Do you fatigue too quickly or experience lack of clarity and access to range? Does your voice seem to have changed over years of use and you can no longer fulfill your vocal and dramatic intentions?

The pursuit and maintenance of a career involving singing is a thrilling, lifelong journey. The community of artists and instructors in New York City is one of the richest and most diverse in the world. Here you will find the best of both performance and instruction in all areas of singing, but it can often times be difficult to find where one fits into the spectrum of artistic life. If your singing is the thing keeping you from bridging the gap between “aspiring” and “working,” whether you’re at the beginning of your career or fully in the middle of a transition, Lisa can help. 

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